Christmas Wish

My Christmas wish is to get an Xbox One from my parents. That’s not much of a wish but I suppose for a real wish, I hope to have fun with friends and family and get what I want. I would also like to win WSAZ’s.

Merry Christmas, from Nate Santiago.

App Store Download Contest

Responding to the math task provided by Mr. Meyer,we made answer to his question.

According to the data we got yesterday, we did the math, and got that you should start downloading apps on March 5th at aproximately 6:24 am. We got this by using the pictures shown and found out that  it was roughly 30,000-40,000 downloads per minute. Using that math we found out that it would take 10 days and 12 hours and since they are 3 hours ahead of us, we figured that it would be about 6:24 on March 5th when you should start downloading apps to maximize your chances of winning the contest of being the 25 billionth download.